Something I came across today because I've got excuses galore for holding onto crap!
I'm preparing room for the life that's arriving. See below.
It’s All Too Much By Peter Walsh
Here are some of the excuses that stand in your way of putting organization back into your life:
Excuse # 1: “I might need it one day.”
Some of us are afraid of the mysteries that the future holds. Life can take some pretty scary turns. You want to be prepared. This is the “I might need it one day” clutter.
Excuse # 2: “It’s too important to let go.”
We hold on to our possessions because we believe they’re important – to ourselves, to others, to our family, to our dreams, or to our own personalstory.We define this importance in lots of different ways like family history and sentimental value.
Excuse # 3: “I can’t get rid of it – it’s worth a lot of money.”
The hardest clutter to get rid of is that which has the greatest perceived value.
Excuse # 4: “My house is too small.”
There’s nothing wrong with hoping to better your circumstances. It’s part of the American dream – always planning to upgrade our standard of living.
Excuse # 5: “I don’t have the time.”
You’d love to clean up if you just had a day off.
Excuse # 6: “I don’t know how it got like this.”
It’s easy to accumulate things, but hard to let go. If you always add and neversubtract, you will eventually bury yourself.
Excuse # 7: “It’s not a problem – my husband/wife/partner/child just thinks it is.”
If this is your excuse, then you are probably reading this just because someone’smaking you do so. You’d rather live your life than become a maid.
Excuse # 8: “It isn’t mine.”
You would never take the liberty of throwing away someone else’s valued possession. But maybe you should if it is becoming a burden to your quality of life.
Excuse # 9: “It’s too overwhelming.”
You look at the amount of stuff in your life and feel sickened by it
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