Spoiler Alert.
As actors in a scene, we live in moments. Sanford Meisner advocated fully immersing oneself "in the moment" and concentrating on one's partner.
I find that in viewing films, I look for that one memorable moment that makes the movie. Here it is:
Memorable Moment:
Evelyn Salt asks about her husband and is escorted down a flight of stairs. She sees her husband tied up and he smiles to see her. He is shot before her eyes in that moment. In that moment...what a wealth of emotions...from love to hate to sadness to anguish to revenge to total anger to playing it smart to saving herself.
In that moment, I was mesmerized to see what she would do. She kept her cool, waiting for the right time.
That movie was crazy awesome. When I was in thailand I must have watched that movie 8 times it seemed that every where I went someone else wanted to watch it. But if I was ever in her situation I don't know how I would react I would rather not think about it but I like to think I would kick everyone's ass.